Meeting Agendas

Documents detailing the list of items or issues to be discussed at a meeting.

Meeting Minutes

These documents typically record the events of the meeting and may include a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered, and related responses or decisions for the issues.

Governing Documents and Policies

Access documents for the JPA related to the governance of the group.

Administrative and Coverage Documents

Access documents for the JPA related to administration and coverage. A user login may be required to access some documents.

Reports and Studies

Access to annual reports and other studies for the group can be obtained. The documents are considered private documents and access requires a user log in.

Financial Information

Access to budgets and financial statements for the group can be obtained. The documents are considered private documents and access requires a user log in.

Safety and Loss Control

Access to safety and loss control materials are accessible in this section with a user login.

Sedgwick Risk Control Resources

CalTIP members have access to safety-related training and materials on the Sedgwick Risk Control website. The login is different from the CalTIP login.


Safety and Loss Control

CalTIP Safety and Loss Control materials, including annual Risk Control Work Plan, Field Service Options, and Enhanced Member Communications webinar recordings and handouts are accessible in this section with a user login.

Safety and Loss Control